Friday, February 20, 2009

Climbing the Vine to Getting Published

February 20, 2009

Nearly nine months since I posted. And why? Because after graduation I gave up the writing I went to graduate school to learn to do! My "completed" manuscript - Salvation - A Judge's Memoir of a Mormon Childhood - sat unopened in my studio, while I substitute taught any subject I was called for, cooked pedestrian meals, traveled toour little cabin at Bear lake, read literature and trash, and basically let the spiders nest and the dust motes float in my studio.

Courage returned! And I have just returned from the 2009 San Francisco Writers Conference, which was chock full of informative, companionable attendees, and gracious agents and editors.

Have you dreams of publishing your book? Fiction, nonfiction, memoir, short stories, essays, poems? Take a breath, gird the old loins, and set your sights on that great beanstalk to the stars - the Publishing Vine. Of course, there are climbers who skip a branch and leap up; there are writers who catapult or reach up on stilts; but most writers climb up hand over hand, foot over foot, eyeing the route, testing the weight, gripping the branch for its strength.

I will post what I learned in "More About..."

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